14 APRIL 1838, Page 7

Lord Brougham has arrived in Paris, and is staying at

the HOW Brighton, Rue de Rivoli.

The Duke of Wellington has, we are assured, consented to conduct the new military commission, to which the success of the late motions of Lord G. Lennox has given rise, and which, thanks to the perse- verance of his Lordship, will be nominated very shortly. One officer from each of the corps of the Royal Marines, Artillery, and Engi- neers, will be included in it. Colonel Sir Richard Williams, K. C.B., is, we are informed, the marine officer whose services will be put in requisition on this occasion. We have not heard on what officers of the Artillery and Engineers the choice of Lord John Russell has fallen.— United Service Gazette.

it is said that two fine steam-packets are to run this summer between Rye and Boulogne. The voyage will be performed in about three hours and a half.

The arrangements for the conveyance of the mails by the London and Birmingham line, we understand, will not be completed before the 7th of May ; after which day the London bags will reach Liver- pool about ten o'clock in the morning.—Leverpool Tekgraph.