14 APRIL 1917, Page 10


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SIZeTATOR."3 Sts,—The article under the above heading in your issue of the 24th ult. is of great interest to me as a, Quartermaster "in the Field." Two articles of food you mention would be of great service to the Armies and effect economies where greatly needed at home. Firstly, an issue to the troops of salted herrings in lieu of bacon two days in each week would be greatly appreciated. Secondly, an issue of rice in lieu of potatoes would be cf great assistance. We occasionally get a sack of rice for a battalion, but could do with much more. We use it in three ways: (a) making the ordinary milk puddings; (b) boiling it and using it as a vegetable—and it is very much liked in this form; (c) making curried stews, a very favourite meal with both officers and men. I have been out here for about seventeen months—half the time in the trenches

and half as Quartermaster—and your journal has made many a lonely hour enjoyable by contemplation of your "fads." May the "Grand Victualler " fad be as successful as the others !—I