14 APRIL 1917, page 10

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading; paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] VICTUALLING THE NATION. [To......

T A "spectator" Fad In The Days Of Addison. He Following

reprint of an article which appeared in the Spectator of July 19th, 1714, written by Addison, may be of interest to our readers:- " No vices are so incurable as those which men......

A S One Lays Down, With An Emotion Of Mingled Gratitude

and pride, last week's Spectator, with its satisfying articles on " the most important thing that has yet happened in the war," the alliance of the United States with the "......

A Grand Victualler To The Nation.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SIZeTATOR."3 Sts,—The article under the above heading in your issue of the 24th ult. is of great interest to me as a, Quartermaster "in the Field." Two......

Food Shortage And Prohibition.

Subscriptions should be addressed to THE . " SPECTATOR," I Wellington Street, Strand, London, W .C. 2. The letters " D. G." should be clearly written on the envelope. Cheques......