14 APRIL 1923, Page 19


Gerarchia : Rivista. Politica. Direttore : Benito Mussolini (Monthly. Lire 2.50.). The pious-looking blue outer cover of this review—somewhat reminiscent of a parish magazine—much belies its. contents.. For these express in varied form and from various repre- sentative- pens the fiery patriotism and lofty ideals of young Fascist Italy. The review is edited by Benito Mussolini himself, and is the intellectual counterpart of his daily paper, II Popolo &Italia. In. it we get opinion on those international problems directly affecting Italy, on her domestic affairs in the light of future reforms, and on the relationship between Fascism, the arts, and racial problems, &c., from suck able thinkers as Lumbroso, Signoretti, Mussolini,, Soffici, Rocca, de Magistris, and others. The special number for January, 1923, dedicated entirely to Fascism°, is prefaced by Mussolini with a powerful foreword on the work to he done in this (Continued on page 632.) second and reconstructive phase—the " tempo secondo "- of the great movement. He pours fine contempt on the passing of the epochs of such as Giolitti, Nitti, Salandra, &c., and points out how a great liquidation of men, method and doctrine took place in October–November last. For the future, to quote his own words, "Ci6 che di sacro, e di forte sta nel passato, cib che 6 di sacro e di forte, ci reca nel suo incsauribile grembo l'avvenire."