14 APRIL 1923, page 9

One May Approach The Problem Of Emigration From The British

Isles either from the Imperial point of view or from that of the individual settler. Regarded from the former standpoint, the task of filling up the empty spaces in the......

A Very Large Employer In The United States, Who Has

been in Great Britain during the past week, in the course of a discussion on the present labour shortage asked the writer : " What would the British people think if the United......

Lord Inchcape Returned This Week From His Important Work On

the Retrenchment Committee in India, where he has been wielding the economy axe with no less vigour than it was used by Sir Eric Geddes in London. Out of a total expenditure of......


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCH. M IGRATION problems are being much discussed at the present time, as these notes have frequently shown, and there are many who seem to......

It Is Interesting To Note From The Announcements In The

American Press that the regular passenger sailings of North-German Lloyd between New York and Bremen will be resumed on July 7th, with the departure of the S.S. Muenchen ' of......

The Toronto Globe Seems To Anticipate That The Pendu- Lum

may soon swing in the opposite direction. " When the seasonal rush is over in motor factories "—and in parenthesis it is interesting to note that in the month of February......

The Toronto Correspondent Of The Manchester Guardian...

is a steady stream southward, all along the frontier from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, of Canadian emigrants, attracted by the high American wages. " Some trade unions," he......

Is There Not A Possibility That In The Future Organiza-

tion of Western civilization Labour will become much more mobile ? Just as before the War a huge army of Italian workers left their native land for short periods for seasonal......

The United States Is Now Attracting So Many Canadians,...

to. the Toronto Globe, because there is an industrial boom across the Border and the scarcity of mechanics and manual workers in the Northern States has compelled employers to......

The Postmaster-general Is To Be Congratulated On The...

a strong committee " to consider in the light of recent progress in wireless science the possibility from a technical standpoint of Transatlantic wireless telephony of......