14 APRIL 1933, Page 14


The exceeding beauty of the English scene .on the eve of this Easter gives impetus to the plea for our flowers. The woods and banks everywhere are delicious with primroses and anemones and the promise of bluebells. The hedges, green with dogrose and quick, are also white with blackthorn. The stitchwort stars the base of the hedgerow. The commons, on which innumerable cars park even in the middle of the week, are yellow with gorse and the grass is elastic below the feet. Day after day of sunshine have brought "-the sweet o' the year " to a Shakespearean climax. If this green country is not worth preservation, what is? and if this does not• brew a desire to preserve, there is no hope for the world. But then consummations are not reached automatically, even in England. Every journey across the country drives home the need of planning as well as preserving.• Apropos another pamphlet, illustrated, To Plan or Not to Plan ? (price ls.) and a memorandum on the Town and Country Planning Act (gratis) are also just issued by the C.P.R.E.