14 APRIL 1933, page 6

The War On Slums

“ Iv uk; programmes should,. so far as practicable, - 1 be ,drawn on the basis of clearing all areas that req uire clearing not later than 1938." In such j)rosaie words in one......

English Politicians With Their Love Of Sport Never Quite...

how much their devotion to it can scandalize foreigners. Witness the unforgiven levity of M. Briands round of golf with Mr. Lloyd George during the Cannes Conference of 1922.......

An Oxford Friend Who Thinks My Remarks On The Boat

Race wanting in generosity to the defeated crew, suggests that Oxford may well described in the phrase applied by Verrall to a, beaten Cambridge crew in the 'nineties. " The......

Advocates Of Municipal Trading Will No Doubt He Gratified To

observe that Paris is starting a municipal stud-farm for cats, the object being to breed the type most efficient in dealing adequately with rats. The principle is not quite so......

A Spectator's Notebook

N OTHING astonishes •me more than the genuine inability of Germans generally to understand in the least degree the feeling the actions of the Nazi party have aroused in this and......

. Cruelty To Animals Is One Of Those Things About

which it is no use arguing. If anyone is insensible to it, or pre- pared to defend it., there is nothing more to be said. The attempt to rehabilitate cock-fighting, even on the......

I Suppose Smuggling Is Really To Be Regarded As A

kind of primitive passion. Otherwise . it is singularly hard to explain the cases,. of which two cropped up in Tuesdays papers, of persons (usually women) of position, and some-......

Sonic Concern Might Not Unnaturally Be Felt At The Absence

of the British Ambassador from Moscow as the trial of the British engineers is beginning. In fact no such anxiety need be felt. Mr. William Strang, the Counsellor, who is acting......