14 AUGUST 1920, Page 1

The Bolsheviks informed the Government on Friday week that they

would not stop their advance into Poland. They were, however, prepared to sign an armistice when Polish delegates authorized to negotiate for peace reached the appointed place of meeting at Minsk, far behind the Bolshevik lines. The Bolsheviks flatly refused to discuss peace with Poland through the Allies, but suggested that they would recognize the complete indepen- dence of Poland and accord her more territory than the Allies proposed to assign to her. They professed their readiness to make peace with the Allies and to attend a London conference. provided that General Wrangel were not represented there, They offered to withdraw their forces to the Polish frontier indicated by the Allies if the Allies would undertake " not to support any advance against Soviet Russia on any front and withdraw the army of General Wrangel from the Crimea."