14 AUGUST 1920, page 25

Continuative Education Under The Fisher Act. By Mrs. M. A.

Cloudesley Brereton. (Knapp, Drewett and Sons, 30 Victoria Street. 2s.)—In this brief memorandum upon the practical initial working of the Education Act of 1918 Mrs. Cloudesley......

The Letters Of Dante. Edited By Paget Toynbee. (oxford...

Press. 12s. 6d. net.)—Of Dante's Latin epistles thirteen apparently authentic examples survive. The most important of them is the letter addressed to his friend and patron, Can......

Hosts And Guests In War Time. (the Victoria League, 22

Eccleston Square, S.W.1.)—At the request of the Colonial Office the Victoria League prepared, and now issues as one of its War Pamphlets,a summary of " the more conspicuous and......

President Wilson. By Daniel Halevy. Translated By Hugh...

7s. ed. net.)—This very sympathetic study of President Wilson, virtually ending with America's entry into the war, is worth reading. M. Halevy makes no complaint of the......

The Great War, 1914-1918. By C. R. L. Fletcher. (murray.

6s. net.)—Mr. Fletcher's " brief sketch " of the war is very good reading. He says in his preface that the talk about the war being fought to " make the world safe for democracy......

Lancashire. By F. H. Cheetham. (methuen. 6s. Net.)— This New

volume of the " Little Guides " series gives a surprising amount of information in a small space about the antiquities of Lancashire. It is arranged in the form of a gazetteer,......

The Pipes Of War. By Brevet-col. Sir Bruce Seton, Bart.,

and Pipe-Major John Grant. (Maclehose, Glasgow. 25s. net.) —This handsome volume is primarily a record of the achieve- ments of pipers of Scottish and Overseas Regiments during......

The Tenants' Emergency Charter. Fifth Edition. (oliver...

net.)—This very useful little guide to the Rent Restriction Acts has been re-written so as to cover the new and still more drastic Act passed this year, which repeals the......