14 AUGUST 1920, Page 2

The Labour Party, the Labour Members and the Parliamentary Committee

of the Trade Unions Congress met on .Monday and resolved that the conference "feels certain that war is being: engineered between the Allied Powers and Soviet Russia on the issue of Poland." Such a war, they declared, would: be "an_ intolerable crime against humanity," and " the whole industrial power of the organized workers would be used to defeat this war." Having threatened a " general strike " if. they were not allowed to conduct the foreign policy of the country, the confer- ence sent a " Council of Action " to meet the Prime Minister on Tuesday morning. Mr. Bevin expressed their suspicions of Allied diplomacy, which, he thought, was always. trying " to make Russia appear in the wrong." Mr. Lloyd George, who was in brilliant form, brought him to the point by asking whether, if the Bolsheviks treated Poland as the Tsars treated her, "we cannot send . a single pair of boots there, otherwise Labour- will, strike."