14 DECEMBER 1901, Page 1


THE war news for the week shows a very large number of captures and surrenders. In four days no less than two hundred and fifty Boers were secured and several com- mandos broken up. In fact, there has been a very agreeable shrinkage of the Boer force in the course of the past week, and unless the Boers should unhappily be put in heart by another success on their part, we do not doubt that the ten- dency to consider seriously the question of surrender, which is reported as affecting the Boers in the field, will develop. Another item of importance is reported by the Daily Mail correspondent at Brrissels. He states that General Botha on November 15th ordered the execution of all ex- burghers enrolled amen.,p the British, and has since executed fifteen of them. If that is so, General Botha should be warned that we do not intend to tolerate such action. It is essential that we should protect all ex-burghers who now throw in their lot with us.