14 DECEMBER 1901, page 3

Mr. Brodrick Made Two Vigorous Speeches At Glasgow On...

Speaking at the annual meeting of the Scottish branch of the Primrose League in the afternoon, he defended the Government from the charge of lethargy in their conduct of the......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Addressed His Constituents...

In the course of his speech he cordially endorsed the resolution of the National Liberal Federation, and declared in favour of reopening negotiations with the Boers, of amnesty,......

Lord Kitchener Has Forwarded To The War Office A State-

ment as to murders of natives by the Boers. The despatch deals in all with some forty cases, in eight of which full par- ticulars and the names of witnesses are given, while the......

The New York Evening Post Has Recently Issued A Remark-

able anniversary number to celebrate its centenary. This colossal issue, which contains not only a most interesting history of the paper and its successive editors, but an......

The Stanford University Of California Has Just Received...

probably the largest gift of property ever made to any educational institution since the world began. Mrs, Stanford, the.widow Of the millionaire who originally founded the......

There Have Been Three Royal Announcements This Week....

date of the Coronation (June 26th) is fixed in a proclamation issued on Tuesday. Next, it is an- nounced that the King has been pleased "to add to the achievement to the Prince......

In Evidence Of The Improved Position In South Africa, Mr.

Brodrick stated that Lord Kitchener was now able to authorise the return of four hundred refugees per week to the Rand, instead of two hundred in a fortnight. The block- house......

The Westminster Gazelle Of Tuesday Had A Very Amusing...

representing the various Liberal chiefs each sitting armed with a rifle in a little blockhouse of his own, with a legend underneath that to be effective "blockhouses must be......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 92i.......