14 DECEMBER 1956, Page 37


Little Jack is a resourceful fellow who earns a shilling in whatever way he can. He sold me things on two occasions and I had reason to remember the purchases, for neither proved exactly what 1 expected. The other day I met him corning down from the farm where he is employed. He looked more like a moving bush than a man, for lashed to his back was a great mass of bright red holly. He slowed to let me pass. I didn't offer to buy his holly and he didn't offer to sell me any, for he has caught me once too often, and holly changing from his hands to mine would surely shed its berries. We have come to this pretence that we know each other not, but Jack knows that I haven't forgotten him, and he recognises me all right, which I suppose accounts for our private smiles as we go on. I bought experi- ence and the little fellow knows he can sell me nothing I needed so much!