14 DECEMBER 1956, page 18

Manners Without Men

The Way of the World. By William Congreve' (Saville.) THERE is, thank the Lord, no space here in philosophise about Comedies of Manners . Acres of newsprint would not have been......

More Records

(RECORDING COMPANIES: D. DeCat ; DT, Ducretet-Thomson; OL, Oiseau Lyre; T, Tclefunkcn; V, Vox.) BEETHOVEN: The new Eroica by Kleiber (D) is disappointing. His tempo in the first......

A Slice Of Life

DATES mean nothing : Dvorak was born in 1841, Janacek in 1854. Yet the elder Czech composer was of that century, the younger Moravian of this. No wonder it took Janacek so long......