14 JANUARY 1922, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the review of Callimachus there is in the quotation of Cory's translation a slight error—perhaps hardly worth noticing. " With walking" should be " with talking " Xio-xv).—I am, Sir, &c., Greenham Common, nr. Newbury. J. C. THOMSON.

[We much regret the slip. The lines were so familiar to us that we must have read them carelessly. But surely the error is well worth noticing! "To tire the sun with talking and send him down the sky" is one of the most delightful descriptions of loquacious friendship in all literature. " Walking" for " talking" is terribly—shall we say?- pedestrian.—En. Spectator.]