14 JANUARY 1922, page 24

Poets And Poetry.

WHEELS, 1921.* I DO not think that this Sixth Cycle of Wheels is as attractive as usual. Mr. Aldous Huxley's " Picture by Goya "—a scene of murder elegant as some Dejeuner Sur......

Poems : 1916-1920. By John Middleton Murry. (richard...

net.)—Poems by the well-known critio. NEw EnrrroNs.—Moral Erabkrna. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Chatto and Windus. 5s. net.)—Four Plays for Dancers. By W. B. Yeats. (Macmillan......


VOCATIONS.* THE reader, on closing Mr. O'Donovan's book, will probably feel, so far as the work as " a thing in itself " is concerned, astonish. ment at Mr. O'Donovan's positive......

Mr. Paul. By Gertrude Bone. (jonathan Cape. 12e. 6d....

Paul is a country chronicle. It describes a few months in the life of an English village, and as a book it has many characteristics in common with the men and things of which it......

Other Novels. —in Ghostly Company. By Amyas Northcote....

7s. 6d. net.)—For some reason the supernatural appears to be considered appropriate reading for long, dark evenings. This book of stories is very unequal and the author's powers......