14 MARCH 1903, Page 16



SIE,—You have suggested in the Spectator of March 7th Mr. Asquith as the best Premier in case of a change; may I offer Lord Spencer ? Being the leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords, he has a claim, and that which he said a short time ago must have conciliated Mr. John Redmond, whose aid will be needed in any circumstances. Whether the nation will like' the prospect, however • distant, of another nation, called Ireland, so close to it is the question; but that this is the meaning of Home-rule there can be no doubt.—I am,

[We had not forgotten Lord Spencer ; but unless the temper of the bulk of the Liberal party as regards Home-rule is something very different from what it appears to be, Lord Spencer's continued advocacy of Home-rule would be a com- plete bar to his uniting the two sections of the party.—En. Spectator.]