14 MARCH 1903, page 1

M. Delcasse Made A Speech In The French Chamber On

Wednesday, one part of which at least is of interest to Englishmen. He laid down with unusual definiteness the policy of France in Morocco. He regarded the independence of that......

The Government And People Of Denmark Are Apparently Weary Of

their struggle with Germany, and the Emperor is shortly to pay a visit to Copenhagen, where he will be received with all honour as a friend. The quarter of a million of people......

The Vatican Has Disapproved The Conduct Of The Bishop Of

Treves. He has, therefore, ordered all priests in the city to read from their pulpits a declaration that his recent manifesto refusing absolution to the parents of girls sent to......

During The Past Ten Days The Advance Of The Somali-

land Expedition has begun, the troops leaving Bohotle on the 3rd of March. The strategy is very difficult to set forth without a map, but the British and the Abyssinians are......

In A Word, The Emperor Pledges Himself To Tolerance, And

to an improvement of the condition of the peasantry, both social and economic, and also to give help to the rural clergy and the rural nobility. It is impossible not to admire......

News Of The Week.

BY far the most interesting event of the week is the • publication of a Manifesto by the Czar, the full text of which is given in Friday's papers. The Manifesto is in the form......

The Strike Agitation In Holland Hangs Fire A Little. The

Bill for the repression of strikes is exceedingly drastic, com- binations . to force employers to raise wages or to shorten hours being made punishable by imprisonment or heavy......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
