14 MARCH 1931, Page 43

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The Indian Slate Railways Magazine for February (from 57 Haymarket,-Is. 8d. post free) 'contains a -prefatory note by the Viceroy in which he expresses the opinion (in which many will find difficulty in concurring) that although Delhi is rich in monuments of the past, the creations of Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert- Baker will more than :hold their own beside tfiem." HOWever that may be, the magazine is excellently"illustrated, in colour and half-tone, and the articles are -of_ more than usual interest and authority. No one contemplating a trip to India this autumn (the season is too far advanced for many of our readers to be sailing earlier) should fail -to buy this number : it will not be out of date even in a year's time, for much of the information it contains is of permanent value.