14 MARCH 1931, Page 51


Accompanying the annual report for 1930 of the National Provident Institution is a statement showing the results of the triennial valuation. The valuation, which was made on a 3 per cent. net premium basis, reveals a surplus of £1,374,303, including the undivided balance carried forward at the last valuation. After making bonus additions to policies, an undivided balance of £409,695 will remain to be carried forward, bonuses on this occasion ranging from £9 per cent. (for the three years) on the whole life policies which have been in force for shorter periods than the expecta- tion of life at the time of entry, to substantially higher rates where the expectation has been exceeded by a moderate margin. On endowment insurances the rates range from £5 17s. upwards for the three years with, in addition, a bonus of 30s. per cent. payable only on survival. The balance sheet shows that the total funds are now nearly up to £11,000,000. * *