14 OCTOBER 1911, Page 27


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have net been ...served for review in other form.] Prayer Book Revision. By a Sexagenarian Layman. (T. Fisher Unwin. 4s. 84. net.)—The " Layman " does not give us what the title of his book seems to promise. We want to know what changes we are to make in the use of the Psalter to accommodate it to Christian feeling, how we are to make the lessons more edifying, the prayers more intelligible, the services more attractive and effective: on these points he is silent ; his "thoroughness" is of quite another kind. He wants to revise the creeds ; the ideas of sin, of atonement, of judgment to come, are to be so profoundly modified that the ordinary Christian will not recognize them. It is scarcely too much to say that if we are as "thorough" as the " Layman " would desire we shall not want a Prayer-book at all.