14 OCTOBER 1911, page 3

A White Paper Issued By The Admiralty On Tuesday Gave

some interesting figures showing the relative rate of increase in the expenditure of the Great Powers upon their Navies during the last ten years. The most rapid increase is......

Speaking At A Liberal Meeting At Swindon On Monday— The

first of a series of political harangues intended to show that Home Rule is the mildest of measures—Mr. John Redmond said they had nothing to conceal about Home Rne, and he......

Mr. Balfour Delivered A Long And Important Speech At Had-

dington on Saturday. They were, he observed, in the middle of a revolution, the work of a coalition of three widely different and even conflicting organizations which had all......

Lord Haldane, Who Spoke At Aberdeen On Monday, Under- Took,

"as one who knew these things from the inside," to correct the account which Mr. Balfour had given of "the traitorous advice given by the Government to the Sovereign when they......

Turning To Unionist Constructive Policy, Mr. Balfour Laid...

the increase of small ownerships, Poor Law reform, and the strengthening of the Second Chamber by a repre- sentative element. Such a Chamber must be strong enough, in certain......

Mr. Balfour Then Proceeded To Examine The Aims Of The

coalition. There was Welsh Disestablishment, and all that was to be gained by the process of plunder involved was some diminution of local rates and the maiming of a great......

The Government Scheme For The Strengthening And Improv-...

the existing official machinery for settling and shorten- ing labour disputes was announced by the Board of Trade on Tuesday night. It is proposed to establish an Industrial......


Tuesday's Papers Contained A Letter Addressed To A Corre-...

by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald declaring that the Labour Party "as a party" would adopt the Insurance Bill when Parliament met. He adds that "opinions contrary to that are only private......