15 APRIL 1905, Page 23

Naw EDITIONB.—Worship Song, with Tunes. By W. Garrett Herder. (Novello

and Co. 58. net.)—Some hymns, found for various reasons unserviceable, have been omitted from this edition ; some new compositions have been added ; but the novel feature of the edition is, of course, the fact that each hymn has its musical setting. The hymns number eight hundred and three; the settings about six hundred.—The Lord's Prayer in. Five Hundred Languages. With a Preface by Reinhold Rost. (Gilbert and Rivington.)—Dr. Rost's preface, brief as it is, is a. highly interesting contribution to the knowledge of alphabets. The book itself is a notable production. It is, to begin with nearly twice as large as its predecessor, the number and variety' of the languages being greatly augmented. Both archaic and modern languages are to be found among the additions. Among the former we observe Accadian, with its arrow-headed' character, followed by a transcription ; among the latter Hausa and Swahili. Various dialects of some languages are given ; in Italian, for instance, we have the Bolognese, Milanese, . Roman, and Venetian, the last being the most different from the, literary standard. The old forms are peculiarly interesting. Here is thirteenth-century English : " Our iche dayes bred gif use to-day, and forgif us our gultes, also we forgifet our gultare." And here, again, is French of the same time : " Nostra pain de chascun jour nos donne hui. Et pardone-nos nos meffais, si' comme nos pardonons a cos qui meffait nous ont."—We have received " Popular Editions" of The Evangelical Succession, Loetures by Drs. Rainy, Marcus Dods, and others (1s. net); The Church of Scotland : her Divisions and her Reunions, by C. G. McCrie, D.D. (1s. net); and Three Lectures on the Church of Scotland, by Robert Rainy, D.D. ((3d. net).