15 APRIL 1905, page 21

Peter's Pedigree. By Dorothea Conyers. (e. Arnold. 6s.)—...

knows her audience, and is sure of her popularity. Peter Reidy is the son of an Irish peasant who, having made a, great fortune in England, goes back to his native district and......

The Bed Cravat. By Alfred Tresidder Sheppard. (macmillan...

6s.)—Mr. Sheppard's name is new to us, and if this be a first book, it is a notable performance. It is an historical romance, in the old-fashioned full-bodied style, of the......

The Manitoba's. By Henry H. Bashford. (john Lane. 6s.)— The

old-fashioned type of novel in which the various characters were formally introduced to the reader has completely passed away, and the personalities of hero and heroine, to say......


TALES OF CHINA AND THE CHINESE.* IT is surely no mere coincidence, but an evidence of a growing interest in the Far East, that three independent efforts to interpret the mind of......

Helen Of Troy, N.y. By Wilfred S. Jackson. (john Lane.

6s.) —One of the characters most appositely remarks in the fourth chapter of this novel, "All Bedlam's loose to-night," and this sentence gives the keynote to Mr. Jackson's......