15 AUGUST 1958, Page 17


SIR,—Your issue of August 1 contained a description of the boorish behaviour on the announcement of the decision to create Prince Charles Prince of-Wales. of some character, allegedly a member of Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Party. 1 read this while returning from Plaid Cymru's annual conference and am perturbed at the misrepresentation of a minority that secures little publicity from the Spectator. References to 'storm troopers' can only create an impression of jingoistic nationalism utterly alien to the pacific Christian leadership of the Plaid and to its policy of co-opera- tive democracy.

As some counter-balance to your correspondent's humour may I appeal for space to draw the attention of your readers to a positive aspect of Welsh Party policy which is of urgent concern to all those English as well as Welsh who do not wish to see the riches of Welsh language and culture destroyed. Unless ade- quate facilities are made available for television ser- vices in the Welsh language it is likely to die. I understand that such a service is technically possible at small cost from existing transmitters in Band 3 by using different frequencies. No doubt the opposition to this proposal will be as great as that originally made to the suggestion of a full sound broadcast service for Wales, and readers who support the pro- posal should write' now to the Postmaster-General as a decision on the disposal of free wavelengths is likely to be made soon—Yours faithfully, DOUGLAS STUCKEY NB.-1 am neither a Welshman nor a member of the Welsh Party.