15 AUGUST 1958, page 7

I Went To The Recital Given At The Albert Hall

by Paul Robeson (his book is reviewed elsewhere in this issue). It was a depressing experience. For one thing, I had not been to the Albert Hall for a couple of years, and......

If It Does Nothing Else, The Wardle Affair May Wake

up the somnolent MCC into realisation that something is very wrong indeed with county cricket. The decline has been going on for a long time : the kiss of death, I thought, was......

Oxford Psephology

By ROBERT BLAKE c rlk NE man (or woman), one vote, one value'— kj this is generally assumed to be the rule that governs the British electoral system today. Curiously enough,......

Over 40 Per Cent Of The Hospital Beds In This

country are occupied by mentally ill or mentally deficient patients, and the• proportion is rising every year (I am told that in America the figure is believed to be over 50 per......

A Spectator's Notebook

NOBODY who has read the comments on the Middle East crisis by former foreign officials and politicians can be surprised that our policy there has been such a dismal failure.......