15 JULY 1911, Page 1


THE crisis drags its slow length along, but in spite of the ups and downs of newspaper and Parliamentary polemics, we are as convinced as ever that common sense will prevail in the end, and that the Lords will not insist upon a revolutionary solution of the crisis. No doubt the Parlia- ment Bill is itself revolutionary, but that is no ground for piling- revolution on revolution. But though we are confident that the Lords will not insist on their amendments, and will not therefore force the creation of peers, we are by no means confident that in the end they will yield in the manner best calculated to preserve their dignity and maintain the prestige of the Unionist Party. The present indications are that the Unionist Party is going to adopt the policy, not of dying in the last ditch, but merely of shouting in the last ditch. Apparently we are going to be advised by the noisiest Unionist newspapers to strut and scream and bluff and strike our keasts and declare that we will never give way, but when we have reached the ditch and got well bemired by trampling up and down in it,yelling " No surrender l" we are to acquiesce in the inevitable. To parody the French general, " Ce n'est pas magnifique et cc n'est pm la guerre."