15 JULY 1922, Page 12



SIR,—A Coalition newspaper, the Daily Express, made the following brief announcement on July 6th :-

" It is computed that at least 10,000 refugees have crossed from Ireland since the beginning of the week."

Although a Coalition newspaper may think this too trivial a matter for further comment, yet if the truth about the persecution of the Loyalists and Protestants in Southern Ire- land can be made known to the British public the Lloyd George Coalition will not last three months. This great truth has been made abundantly clear to me by the amazing results that have attended the Truth About Ireland meetings in different parts of the country, especially in country towns where the mass of the population seem to have no idea of the true state of affairs in Ireland. At these meetings, where the League puts Loyalist refugees on the platform to tell their own terrible stories, the audiences have been roused to a white heat of indignation, and although these audiences are drawn from all shades of political opinion they have, in every case, unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Government's Irish policy in the most emphatic language. The appalling experiences related by the Loyalists always move many of their listeners to tears, and remarkable scenes have taken place at the conclusion of the meetings, when members of the audience have followed the League's representative and the Loyalists all the way to the railway station to personally express their sympathy, while unknown people have continued to thrust donations to the League's funds into the hands of the Loyalists up to the moment of the train's departure.

I cannot too strongly urge that the whole country can be roused, in spite of the doped section of the Press, if the dread- ful facts of the Irish terror are made known widely enough. Free Staters and Republicans fight amongst themselves, but both are united in persecuting the Loyalists. I suggest that those of your readers who are engaged in political work should attend any of the following Truth About Ireland meetings and judge for themselves the effect they have on the public.

All these meetings are being organized by patriotic supporters of the League: July 17th, Stourport, Worcestershire; July 19th, Bembridge, Isle of Wight; July 21st, Honiton, Devon ; July 22nd, Wrotham, Kent; July 25th, Town Hall, Oxford; August 2nd. Southsea (provisionally); September 7th, Wincanton, Somerset. I shall be glad to help anyone, or any organization, desiring to organize a meeting by sending a speaker of great experience in Irish affairs and one or more Loyalists to tell their own