15 JULY 1922, page 12

The Dead Meat Plague.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Sia,—The statistics given by Mr. Neal, the acting Chairman of the Cattle Markets Committee of the Corporation of London, and quoted by Mr.......

Mr. Galsworthy And Legal Etiquette.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THIS " SPECTATOR."] Sea,—Your correspondent " Clifford's Inn," in a letter in the issue of July 8th concerning Mr. Galsworthy's play, Loyalties, complains that......

The Sufferings Of Irish Loyalists. (to 'me Editor Or The

" SPECTATOR." Sra,—The following extracts from a letter just received by me from the rector of an important parish in Southern Ireland will help your readers to realize the......

The Irish Refugees.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A Coalition newspaper, the Daily Express, made the following brief announcement on July 6th :- " It is computed that at least 10,000......