15 JUNE 1974, Page 4

More on the Market

Sir: It has long been forecast by many anti-Marketeers (including Nicholas Kaldor) that capital would migrate from the peripheral regions of the EEC to its 'Golden Centre.'

The accuracy of this prediction is now only too obviously demonstrated as Italy, Denmark and Britain have become the sick men of the community. Although France is suffering from same temporary economic ailment this is not to be compared with the chronic illness experienced by the 'peripheral three.'

But political implications flow from this relative decline; the economically, virile countries must inevitably dominate the more sluggish.

As originally envisaged both Italy and Britain would be partners equal to France and Germany; now it is obvious that the two central powers will be much more equal than the others and the only doubt is as to which of the two will be pre-eminent. If the pro-marketeers have their way and Britain remains a member of this devilish organisation then we must suffer the experience of watching our once great country sinking into a state of economic and political impotence. The end will come not with a bang but a whimper.

R. E. G. Simmerson Chairman, Democratic Conservatives Against the Common Market, 10 St. Andrews Mansions, St. AndrewsRoad, London W14