15 JUNE 1974, page 4

Cheaper Food

From Douglas Jay, MP Sir: Mr Wistrich seeks to deny the demonstration in my article of May 18 that world food prices are falling, that many have fallen below EEC levels, and......

More On The Market

Sir: It has long been forecast by many anti-Marketeers (including Nicholas Kaldor) that capital would migrate from the peripheral regions of the EEC to its 'Golden Centre.' The......

Sir: Mr Clive Jenkins Is To Be Congratulated On Focusing

attention on a very important matter. The "huge slush funds" devoted to EEC promotion are in sharp contrast to the pittance upon which the "antis" operate. This anomaly must be......

Prize Animals

Sir: The implication in Mr Shrimsley's letter (May 25) is that this Society's co-operation in the Sun's "animals for prizes" competitions carries with it a measure of approval.......

Vets And Quacks

From L A. S. Gibson, MRCVS Sir: It is annoying to find in a thoughtful journal such a thoughtless comment as John Linklater's "treatment is often cursory, and sometimes at a......

International Admen

Sir: Philip Kleinman's article in your June 1 issue on the International Advertising Association's World Congress in Teheran, misses the point. In his obsession to find ignoble......