15 MARCH 1930, Page 48


Both as regards earnings and financial strength, as revealed in the balance-sheet, the latest report of Law Land Company, Limited, is a good one. The rental for the year was £225,173 against 1221,873, while the available balance for distribution is £89,741 against £86,209. The directors are declaring a final dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum, making, with the interim dividend, 9 per cent. for the year, leaving £15,985 to be carried forward. In additi6n, the directors, following their practice of the list nine yi_;ari, recommend that a portion of the Reserve be distributed. On this occasion it is proposed to distribute fully paid Ordinary. Shares of £1 each carrying dividend from December 81st last at the rate of two Ordinary Shares for every one hundred Ordinary shares. Even after these recommendations are carried out, the Reserve will still stand at the high figure of £275,000. - (Continued on page 460)