15 MARCH 1930, page 24

May I, As A Car Driver Of Sixteen Years' Experience,

who covers from 15,000 to 20,000 miles each year, be allowed to thank " M." for his article on dangerous tyres in your issue of March 1st ? His views, which I entirely endorse,......

Animal Life In Syria.

We desire to draw attention to the admirable report on the above-mentioned subject, which has been drawn up by the Hon. Mrs. Charlton, and is obtainable from Captain E. G.......

A Protest

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Only once before, during my long—perhaps too long— literary, life, have I written to an editor to protest against what I ,held to be......

The Italian Pictures And The Italian Hospital.

There recently appeared in The Times the admirable suggestion that, as a gesture of gratitude to Italy for the generous loan of her art treasures to us, donations might be sent......

Woes Of The Caged.

Too great brooding on the woes of the caged appears to dull the sense of relative values. Most people would admit that the " domestic animals " were given for the service of......

A Hunched Years Ago

THE " SPECTATOR," MARCH 13.ra, 1830. STATE OF THE POOR. Mr. Wilmot Horton made his promised motion on Tuesday, for a Committee of the whole House to inquire into the distresses......

New Work For Women.

We published under this heading, in our issue of March Ist, a letter mentioning a Fund for the assistance of women being trained as House Property Managers. The name of the......

The Successor Of Abbas Ii

In the critique of the book entitled A Few Words on the Anglo-Egyptian Settlement, by Abbas Hilmi H, which appears in your columns of the 8th instant, your reviewer is incorrect......