15 NOVEMBER 1924, Page 15


WOMEN'S DRESS : " Mere Male " writes : Have the modern young women ears ? They scem.to hear as well as they ever did, and yet one cannot see with what they do it. Possibly they still possess those organs that of yore were considered such an ornament, and were often the object of the ravings of love-sick youths, and the cause of much poetic outpouring ; but if this be so and the ears are still there, only nestling under the curls or wavelets that cover them, there must surely be some reason for their concealment. See the modern young woman, or would-be-considered young woman, as she passes. Note how the hair is arranged so that no vestige of the at one time admired auricle is visible. And moreover, observe that the hat is so fashioned that it comes down so that no shifting of the hair by a passing breeze will allow the onlooker even a temporary glimpse of what in his young days he so much admired.