15 NOVEMBER 1924, page 11

Work And Hours.

[To the Editor of the Srr:e•eAToH.] your issue of November 8th Mr. Kirkbride says that the Government must not " prate about harder work and longer hours." When the present......

The Cinema.

WARNING SHADOWS. MANY weeks ago I sat in a small office and watched a film. It was unique, but it had lain invisible for months already, and there seemed then little chance of i......

Letters To The Editor.

■ -•-■1101■-•■•■•■• MR. BALDWIN AND HIS TASK. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—May I, as a young man who believes that this moment in the history of the country......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sm,—allaw Me To...

you on your leader, " Mr. Baldwin and His Task," and on the passage " and most important of all, turn the artisans of this country from men with high wages but with no stake in......