15 NOVEMBER 1924, Page 2

Armistice Day was celebrated on Tuesday with the unstudied but

profoundly moving ceremony which has taken possession of the heart of the nation. Every year one feel'; that the idea of the Two Minutes' Silence, and the stoppage of all work, for remembrance, was an. inVe4ion that interpreted with wonderful beauty and insight the feeling• of the -people. The self-imposed discipline of the ceremony in London is so complete that it is startling even to those who know what a self-disciplined city London is. The whole thing has become a solemn national institution never likely to be discarded. One cannot help appreciating how far people who feel like this about the celebration of November 11th, and who resent to the point of violence any demonstration of a discordant spirit, are removed from the cruelty and injustice of revolution by force.