15 NOVEMBER 1924, Page 22

JUNGLE BEASTS I HAVE CAPTURED. By Charles Mayer. (Heinemann. 15s.)

JUNGLE BEASTS I HAVE CAPTURED. By Charles Mayer. (Heinemann. 15s.) Mn. MAYER, who had long experience in a circus before he became a hunter, seeking to capture, not to slay, evidently

knows au immense _deal about wild beasts at large, and in captivity, and he is a first-rate hand at telling his story. Except for reminiscences of the circus life, this book is con- cerned with work in the Malay jungles, and this reviewer has not often read anything more readable. Some of The yarns

arc grim enough, especially those about netting orang-outangs ; but perhaps the most entrancing concerns the taking of a rhinoceros and her calf. Imagine netting a rhino ; imagine having to get it from the jungle to its destination .1 It weighs . two tons. and, unlike the elephant, cannot be induced to walk.