15 NOVEMBER 1940, Page 14


Sta,—Alas, I have to admit that in trying not to make the mistake of calling General Douhet "French," I did that very thing. He was an Italian ; but when I said this in a public lecture a member of the audience corrected me. It was in endeavouring to avoid the corrector's mistake than my pen betrayed me.

But now may I say that, in his very kind review, Professor Brogan made an exception which is unfair to me? He is quite entitled to suggest that my memory is as treacherous as that of the people I am criticising ; but surely it is unfair to suggest that this may characterise my writing on the ground of a mere inference. I nowhere stare (and I did not intend to suggest) that M. Blum was " Premier " in March. The Morrison quotation comes after, not before the statement "At this moment . . " ; and the context shows that I am talking about the Spanish Civil War. M. Blum was certainly " Premier " when the Civil War broke out and for some time after- wards. I have read the passage through again and read it out to a third person. Neither of us thinks the inference valid. As to my views, however provocative and heterodox they may be, they are carefully considered and I am more likely to write badly through caution than to write well through lack of care.—Yours, &c.,
