15 NOVEMBER 1940, page 12

Letters To The Editor [in View Of The Paper Shortage

it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they must be fewer. Writers are......

Sir,—miss Glynn Grylls' Suggestion That Wren's Plan For...

of the City should be put into effect is an interesting one. In many respects the plan looks as though it should still work admirably, although the increased number of bridges......

On Sleeping In Bed

Sta,—Every day one hears of fresh amenities to brighten public shelters (tube and other)—canteens, hot drinks, buns, bunks, concerts, libraries, &c. Before long they will be......

Lord Reith's Chance

Sta,—I read with very great interest and pleasure Mr. Clough Williams-Ellis' article in your issue of October t5th, "Sir John Reith's Chance as Our National Builder." In this......