15 OCTOBER 1927, Page 1

• A short and sharp revolt in Mexico has been

suppressed chiefly by means of a series of executions, to which there are not many parallels even in the bloodstained records of Mexico. The revolt was raised as a protest against the attempted reintroduction of a second- term of ollic,e for a President. The controversy, of course, derives from the days of President Diaz, who ruled Mexico---- • and according to Mexican standards, it must be added, ruled it exceedingly well—for a generation. Diaz used to nominate himself for re-election every four years, and, having suppressed all other candidates, was always able triumphantly to preside over his own re-election. Four years ago it became known that President Obregon had made a little arrangement with his Minister of War, Calles (now President), that Canes should succeed him and that after four years he should succeed Capes, and so on indefinitely._ •