15 OCTOBER 1927, page 3

It Is A Pleasure To Be Able To Say That

the Jewish community has on the whole received with great goodwill the article in the Spectator which appealed for more humane methods in the slaughter of animals in accord-......

The Papers Of Last Saturday Published Two Letters Which The

late Sir Henry Wilson had written to Mr. Lloyd George, one in 1919 and the other in 1922. They are warm-hearted letters, telling Mr. Lloyd George of the writer's admiration for......

Now That The. Army Is Being Rapidly Mechanized Its Range

is, of course, vastly greater than it was, and everyone must admit that the comparatively small space of Aldershot is inadequate—the Army must overflow some- where. But those......

Preaching To The American Legion At, St. Margaret's,...

Sunday, the -Bishop of London spoke about the teaching of history in American schools, and said : " I have been assured by young men with whom I have conversed that they have......

Dr. E. S. Harkness Of New York Has Given To

St. Andrews University the princely sum of £100,000. This munificence is remarkable enough in itself, but it is made more remarkable by the stipulation that most of the money is......

When That Has Been Said, However, It Must Be Admitted

that Sir Henry Wilson's pen turned too easily from invective to panegyric. The incident is a lesson in the correct manner of reading diaries. Diaries must be read in the context......

Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,

on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 102* ; on Wednesday week 102i ; a year ago 101#. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1352x.d. ; on Wednesday......