15 OCTOBER 1927, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--r am grateful to you for your article, "An Appeal to British Jews," in which the Weinberg Casting Pen is corn< mented on. It is about twenty years since I began to expert., ment with my invention. I was prompted to do so because I could not bear to ice the cruelty frequently inflicted on animals during the process of casting or throwing them in readiness for the cut of the " shochet." It is recognized that " Schechita " itself is a most humane method of slaughter, and my keen desire was to' free it from the imperfection of the casting method.

My demonstration machine proved successful in casting animals in ten seconds as against several minutes by the present method. When it is operated in a routine manner by men accustomed to it, this time can be still further reduced. In this case, as in many others, the improvenient from the humanitarian point of view is accompanied by an increase in comnrercial efficiency, which will materially reduce the cost of casting. I am happy in the thought that my invention has been approved by the highest authorities, and the only material reward I ask for my many years of struggle and sacrifice in a good cause is a small proportion of the amount which will be saved by the use of the machine.—I am, Sir, &c.,

3 Lovell Street, North Street, Leeds.


[Since the publication of " An Appeal to British Jews " in the last issue of the Spectator, we have been informed that in June, 1927, the Board of Schechita appointed Dr. N. S. Lucas to handle the question of the Weinberg Casting Pen, and that since that date Dr. Lucas has been indefatigable in his efforts to secure an extensive trial. His difficulty has been that the carcase butchers have been unwilling to facilitate the use of the machine, even for the purposes of a trial. We understand that the Board of Schechita has now offered to guarantee the butchers against the ill consequences which they predict during the trial of the machine, and that there the matter stands at the moment. We gladly publish the infor- mation in justice to Dr. Lucas and the Board of Schechita.— ED. Spectator.]