15 SEPTEMBER 1877, Page 3

The Lyskamm at Zermatt has been fatal to two English

barristers, Mr. W. A. Lewis and Mr. Noel Paterson, and their guides, the three brothers Knubel. They left the Riffel Hotel in the afternoon of the 6th, and they ought to have returned the same evening, but did not, A search was made, and the bodies of the whole party were found near the spot at which the accident to Mr. Hayman and his party occurreellast year, at a depth of three or four thousand feet from the point whence they had fallen. As the accident occurred from a well-known cause,—the giving-way of A cornice or ledge of snow on the mountain-side--and as both of the unfortunate gentlemen were robust, experienced Alpine climbers, it is useless to draw from what has happened the usual moral of caution. The best eye will sometimes be deceived as to the bearing-capacity of snow, and guides and travellers alike must take their chance of such a disaster.