15 SEPTEMBER 1990, Page 53


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions opened on I October. Entries to: Crossword 976, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

11 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 12 '


r 14 113 19 18


23 21 28

24 22 I I 25 26 32 29 30


1127 33 31 35 36 34 37 38



40 41 42 P"I



Each of the four longer unclued lights is and contains, in etter order though not consecutively, one of the four shorter unclued lights. In 13, alphabetical order takes precedence where alterna- tives exist.

Name Address ACROSS 4 The search, e.g., possibly re- veals list of accused (11, hyphened) 11 It's directly above 15D, wreck- ing erect pine (9) 14 Season, or son of the sea (4) 18 Coarse-grained rock yielding money in building-plot (7) 19 Old yellow prison holding dis- orderly mob (7) • 22 French resort where one leaves dogs (7) 23 Compel Scots to enter Russian care (6) 24 Frolicking peers' merry frolic (5) 27 Maxim for a dwarf (5 29 A b-beautiful thing ( ) 31 One with wiseman's appear- ances (6) 35 They grow on hazel in stack formation (7) 38 In Mysore, Hindustani efflorescence (3) 39 Protuberances in miniature (4) 40 Former spectators' fishes (11) 41 Doubtful — lacking point of interest, of old (5) 42 Told and told again (9) 43 Metal lodge deserved having lights (11) DOWN 1 Another statement about Sier- ra's tone (11) 2 Shoot mist-like jet (5) 3 Compiler embracing wayward girl, having let in food-grain (11, hyphened) 5 Have news about contest that's more serious (7) 6 Lidless pans, getting worn away, having handles (6) 7 See 10 (6) 8 Goitres derived from ears and turn (7) 9 Stormy greeting? (4) 10 Forceful manoeuvring of Thra- cian leader in 7 (9) 15 It would wreck semis (5) 17 Leaves mountain range out East, for the Sahara (11, two words) 20 Pay back; mulberries, somehow left out (9) 25 Fruit; penny per item? (5) 26 Amphibian going to chieftain's heart (3) 28 Flowers from Tyneside with new resin (7) 32 Policeman who strips off (6) . . . 33 . . girl in bed in unable to (6) 36 •. lift leg by boy (5)