15 SEPTEMBER 1990, page 31

Caring Council

Sir: Your report last week (innocents abroad', 8 September) draws attention to the influx of Eritrean refugee children and quotes Mary Dines, from the organisation Rights and......

Third Side Of The Ecu

Sir: Articles in The Spectator on the case for or against monetary union (Sir Keith Joseph, 28 July, Samuel Brittan, 21 July, etc) give the impression that the debate falls into......

Memory Lane

Sir: Perhaps I can assist Marcus Berkmann (Pop music, 11 August). As a student again, after a gap of eight years, I listen 'once more to the records that used to reverberate......

Tank Talk

Sir: Robert Fox, in his article (Peace dividend postponed', 4 August), bases some of his conclusions on inaccurate information about the Nato tank fleets currently operating in......

Porridge And Vodka

Sir: I happen to be an avid admirer of Jeffrey Bernard's 'Low life', but any pro- fessor who would authorise a PhD thesis on his work (Letters, 11 August) should be committed......

Witnesses To Virtue

Sir: Candida Crewe tells us ('Knocking on heaven's door', 1 September) that Jeho- vah's Witnesses are 'sincere, kind, gentle, law-abiding and happy'. That she also finds these......

Deep Roots

Sir: Having read William Dalrymple's account of Abu-Zeid's death with revul- sion ('Killing an Arab, 1 September), I think it would have been no more than appropriate if he had......