16 APRIL 1892, Page 1

The Ameer of Afghanistan is said, on good authority, to

have done a very remarkable thing. He recently made a speech in Durbar on his relations with England and Russia, which produced such an effect that he circulated it to his principal followers. It contains a declaration of his belief that the Russians are not friends to Afghanistan, that they only want to use its people to facilitate an attack on India, and that consequently it is better to adhere to England, and fight the Russians on their march. The Russians, he adds, will expend Afghans by placing them in front, will take their food, and will interfere with their women. The document is a most extraordinary one, for it implies three things,—first, That the Russians have made proposals either to the Ameer, or leading Afghans ; secondly, that the Ameer has rejected them absolutely ; and thirdly, that his latent suspicion of the English has at last been removed. The news, if accurate, is

most excellent ; for if the Afghans would only trust us heartily, we could make a Russian march on India by that route a virtual impossibility. India, in fact, would be nearly impregnable, unless the Tibetans gave Russia a free road.