16 APRIL 1892, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPNCT•TOR."1 Sin,—The books of which you write as commenting upon and interpreting Robert Browning's poems, are no doubt of value, but my own experience and observation lead me to believe that what the world needs has not yet been supplied._ What the Browning Society should take in hand is a Delphin- edition,—the text fairly printed, with a translation into ordi- nary English in the margin, and notes at the bottom of the page. This, and this alone, will satisfy the vast number of readers who very greatly admire the portion of the poem& which they do understand, and much desire to have explained to them the portion which they do not.—I am, Sir, &c.,

J. S.

[We shall entirely endorse our correspondent's letter, if he' can induce Browning's spirit to edit the translation. With any other editor the work would be either impossible or. rubbishy.—ED. Spectator.]