16 APRIL 1937, Page 3

The Nutrition Debate The debate on the Labour motion in

the House of Commons on Tuesday, railing attention to " the widespread evidence of malnutrition amongst large sections of the population " gave the Minister of Health, Sir Kingsley Wood, an oppor- tunity which he used admirably to discuss the recently - published report of the Advisory Committee on Nutrition ; and to show what was being done to put its recommendations into effect. He emphasised especially the need for local authorities to make adequate arrangements for supplying milk to mothers and young children, for adjusting the price of such supplies to income, and for organising efficient systems of school meals. It must ,be remembered that, in some of the poorest areas, local authorities have made no such arrangements, or only on an inadequate scale. It is gratifying to know that the Ministry of Health is also taking steps to gather the information and make the dietary surveys asked for by the Committee. Sir Kingsley Wood is to be congratulated on giving so much support and publicity to the Committee's enquiries and suggestions ; and his speech is an encouragement to those who continue to hope for an adequate nutrition policy from the Government.