16 APRIL 1937, page 40

The Metaphysical Poets By Helen C. White

The Metaphysical Poets (Macmillan, iss.) is a study of the religious beliefs and experiences which inform the poetry of Donne, Herbert, Crashaw; Vaughan and Traheme. The......

Most History Books Written For Children Tend To Treat Their

subjects almost exclu- sively in terms of personalities, battles and dates. The method of this book (Methuen, 8s. 6d.) is less limited. It provides the necessary outline of......

Secrets Of An Art-dealer!

By J. H. Duveen The secrets Mr. Duveen exposes are mostly concerned with the shady side of art-dealing. He has many good stories to tell of the intrigues, dishonesty, violence,......

The Perfect Master By C. B. Purdom •

Shri Meher Baba is an Indian mystic, of Persian origin, who claims to be a Messiah. This is a biography (Williams and Norgate, 12s. 6d.) and an 'exposition of his teachings.......

Current Literature

This series of essays (Lane, los. 6d.), reprinted from the Daily Herald, is a calendar of. country - life, of birds, plants, animals, the weather. Mr. Powys can evoke a pictt re......

Miss Leigh Has Written An Account (bell, 8s. 6d.) Of

a year's work on a farm on the edge of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. She had only one assistant, and they had contracts with the Milk Marketing Board, which she likes, and the Pig......