16 APRIL 1937, Page 40


Shri Meher Baba is an Indian mystic, of Persian origin, who claims to be a Messiah. This is a biography (Williams and Norgate, 12s. 6d.) and an 'exposition of his teachings. Most of it is devoted to a plodding account of his erratic journeys, and his life in his ashrams, or colonies, in India, which suggests materials for a biography, rather than the finished work. The simplicity of many of Baba's actions, solemnly told by Mr. Purdom, sometimes produces a laughable effect. There is about the whole an impression of unsubstantiality, of dream-like inconsequence. Among his disciples there seems to be an atmosphere of nervous strain. But to those who demand works, Baba can show his hospital, his schools, his work among the untouchables. His teaching is founded on belief in reincarnation, and endeavours to show how the soul may escape from an endless series of births and deaths in'an illusory world, and enter the real world of God. Personality is difficult to convey in writing, especially personality that arises from spiritual qualities, and Mr. Purdom has depended too much on bare facts and verbatim records of interviews. But one is left with the impression that Baba is sincere, charming, and other- worldly.